Welcome to Bondys World
Web Portal of Michael BondBondys Trainz Creations (BTC)
Trainz is a railroad simulation software package for designing and operating a virtual railroad developed by a Brisbane based company called Auran.
I have been using the software since 2004 and have been creating assets for my own major project (The SouthPine Railroad) for several years now. Most of the assets I create turn into projects themselves.
I will be using this site to provide information regarding the projects I am working on including when and where they will be available.
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Bondys World of Warships (BWOWS)
World of Warships is a naval action MMO, dipping into the world of large-scale sea battles of the first half of the twentieth century. Epic battles rage across the oceans of the world in order to claim victory among teams comprised of the greatest representatives from the era of multi-ton marine giants.
In order to achieve victory in battle, players must employ a wide range of strategies in a variety of tactical decisions. Sudden ambushes, cunning flanking attacks, open confrontation and “head-on” assaults — captains must strive to find an ideal way to deliver a decisive blow at the enemy.
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Bondys World of Warships – BWOWS
Other sites coming back when time permits.

Bondys Model Railroading – BMR
Bondys Model Railroading (BMR)
This one could take some time I have designed several versions of layouts that I quite like, my biggest problem is deciding which scale I will work in, most of my early model railroading was done in HO scale and there would be several advantages in staying with this well known scale. Problem is my passion in railroading is heavy diesel and long coal trains and with some space limitations I have been giving much thought to switching to N scale for this layout I will of course make the final decision before I actually start building ……..
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Bondys Remote Control Adventures (BRC)
Another of my passions, even though I don’t get to spend anywhere near as much time enjoying as I would like, is the remote control hobby. Whether it is rock crawlers, trail trucks or even drones I have been bitten by the bug and I plan to share some of my experiences through this web site.
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Bondys Remote Control Adventures – BRC
A couple of sites that won’t be back.

Bondys Web Design – BWD
Bondys Web Design (BWD)
I am sorry to announce that after many years Bondys Web Design is no longer accepting new clients. The client base I have is as much work as I can comfortably manage while providing the quality of service that BWD has become known for.
I appologise for the lack of notice regarding this development, but I hope those that know me and my current work situation will understand.
Not Coming Back
Bondys World Forum (BWF)
For those of you that know Bondys World well you will know that since acquiring this domain I have always maintained a separate forum site built on the Simple Machines Forum platform. Well the truth is over the last 3 or 4 years now I have had less time to dedicate to the regular input required to keep that forum current and of any real worth.
So since my entire site will now be run on the WordPress platform if I feel a particular site needs forum access I will place a WP based forum within that site.
Not Coming Back